Four Considerations For Homeowners Wanting To Add A Fireplace

Posted on: 24 September 2018

If you are looking for an upgrade that could greatly improve the comfort of your home during the winter, there are few things that will be more effective than adding a fireplace. As part of your fireplace installation, there are several steps that will need to be followed.

Consider Alternatives To Wood Burning Fireplaces

The traditional wood burning fireplace can be extremely labor intensive and will require large amounts of space to accommodate the chimney. For homeowners with more limited space, there are alternatives that may be more effective. For example, a gas burning fireplace will require a smaller exhaust for ventilation. Also, it will have the benefit of being more fuel efficient and easier to maintain as it will need less frequent cleaning. Electric fireplaces can be an option for homeowners that want to avoid adding ventilation systems, but these fireplaces will require far more energy to operate while also providing less heat output.

Review Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy

It is common for homeowner's insurance policies to provide requirements for certain upgrades to be made. Fireplaces are often included in these sections due to the risks that can arise if this upgrade is not done correctly. Thoroughly reviewing these requirements will allow you to avoid accidentally violating the terms and conditions of your insurance policy as this could compromise the coverage that it provides you.

Request Quotes From Multiple Fireplace Installation Services

The process of adding a fireplace to the home will be fairly complicated. This can lead to differing opinions regarding this addition. By getting quotes from multiple fireplace installation services, you will be able to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the potential challenges that could arise along with a range of prices. This may require having multiple appointments with different services, but this upgrade is important enough to warrant being as thorough as possible.

Create A Checklist For Preparing Your Fireplace For Winter Use

After the fireplace has not been in use for many months, it will be necessary to prepare it for wintertime use. Otherwise, the fireplace could experience malfunctions or other performance issues that may prevent it from warming your home. The steps for preparing your fireplace will vary depending on the design of the fireplace as well as the type of fuel that it uses. The information for preparing the system for use after periods of inactivity is outlined in the owner's manual and can be used to create a checklist that can be followed each fall to prepare the fireplace for use.


Making Your Customers Comfortable

Starting a business is a monumental accomplishment. My mom and I have talked about opening a restaurant in the past. However, we haven’t ever worked up enough courage to turn our dreams into a reality. I admire anyone who has the nerve to risk financial security in order to become an entrepreneur. I do know, however, that if you’re beginning a new business establishment, one of your goals should be to make your customers comfortable as they shop around. You don't want them to get too hot, or too cold. Depending on where you live, this objective might be especially important during the hot summer months. On this blog, you will discover the best types of HVAC units to install in business establishments. Enjoy!