All-Around Service For Forced-Air Furnaces Operating On Different Fuel Types

Posted on: 2 March 2021

Most people today take forced-air furnace heat for granted, not considering that this style of residential heating was unavailable until the 1930s. Back then, the equipment was fueled with coal. Today, technicians providing repair service typically can fix furnaces fueled by natural gas, liquid propane, and heating oil.

How They Work

Forced-air furnaces begin a cycle with an electric spark that ignites the fuel into controlled flames inside the appliance. After the interior heats up to a certain point, the blower motor turns on and the fan sends warm air through ducts and vents. The equipment also draws air back through return registers and heats it again. An essential feature is the exhaust system, which sends toxic combustion emissions like carbon monoxide out of the home.


Furnaces that run on heating oil are only prevalent in the northeastern part of the United States, although a smaller number of homes throughout the country have oil furnaces. Nearly half of U.S. residences rely on natural gas for heat. Rural homes with forced-air furnaces usually do not have natural gas pipelines nearby. They must have oil or propane delivered to a tank on the property. Most homes without these appliances have electric baseboard heat, although some still rely totally on wood.


Natural gas, propane, and oil forced-air furnaces are very similar. Manufacturers produce natural gas furnaces that a heating contractor can convert to run on propane or oil before installation. Primarily, the burners are replaced with ones that are calibrated differently. After installation, heating technicians who spend most of the time working on natural gas equipment also maintain and repair propane and oil furnaces.


Even when utility companies extend natural gas pipelines farther out, not everyone using propane or oil wants to switch. Some like choosing their heating fuel supplier and dealing with a local organization. They feel they have a better sense of control. Others welcome the chance to use natural gas. Their current appliance now must be converted back to how it was originally manufactured.

All-Around Service

Maintenance and repair technicians must be able to work on all furnace components. Thus, they know enough about electrical devices to provide effective service for the wiring, ignition, and thermostat. They maintain and repair mechanical components like the motor and burners, and they make sure emissions are being removed as intended. Homeowners who need work done on their forced-air furnace may contact a heating contractor for furnace installation or repair.


Making Your Customers Comfortable

Starting a business is a monumental accomplishment. My mom and I have talked about opening a restaurant in the past. However, we haven’t ever worked up enough courage to turn our dreams into a reality. I admire anyone who has the nerve to risk financial security in order to become an entrepreneur. I do know, however, that if you’re beginning a new business establishment, one of your goals should be to make your customers comfortable as they shop around. You don't want them to get too hot, or too cold. Depending on where you live, this objective might be especially important during the hot summer months. On this blog, you will discover the best types of HVAC units to install in business establishments. Enjoy!