3 Ways Mini-Splits Offer More Installation Flexibility

Posted on: 10 January 2022

Adding new HVAC equipment to your home is never an easy task. Unfortunately, the job can be significantly more challenging when retrofitting air conditioning or forced-air heating into an older house. In these cases, you'll often need to deal with the costly and disruptive job of modifying walls to accommodate vents and installing new ductwork in your attic or basement.

While mini-splits remove these issues by freeing you from the need to install ductwork, they also offer flexibility in several other ways. Keep reading to learn three advantages of mini-split systems that make them an incredibly flexible option for numerous installation scenarios.

1. Single Unit Installations

If you have limited available space, one great advantage of mini-split systems is that many use heat pumps instead of traditional air conditioners. Heat pumps are effectively reversible air conditioners. These units use refrigerant to move heat in two directions, pulling it into your house during the winter and removing it in the summer.

Heat pump mini-splits still only require a single outdoor unit, making them incredibly space-efficient. If you're upgrading the heating and cooling in an old house, a mini-split system can solve both problems without requiring you to find space for a furnace. You'll also save money on your installation costs by reducing the amount of hardware you need to install.

2. Easier Zoning

Central air conditioners and forced-air heating systems require sophisticated designs to accommodate multiple zones. If you have limited space in your attic or basement, it may be challenging to fit the ductwork and dampers necessary to serve each zone. You'll also need to deal with the challenges of running separate supply and return ducts through each area.

On the other hand, multi-zone mini-split systems are generally straightforward. Each zone requires a separate head unit, but you only need to run a line set from the outdoor condenser. Since the plumbing is almost entirely outside and you only need to drill a few small holes at each location, zoning with a mini-split often provides much greater flexibility and quicker installation.

3. More Placement Options

With a traditional forced-air HVAC system, you'll need to place vents wherever you can effectively run ductwork. New homes have more options, but retrofits may limit your choices to problematic areas. However, mini-split head units can go anywhere you have exterior wall access to run the line set. This flexibility gives you more options to place the head units in efficient or unobtrusive locations.

Ultimately, a mini-split system may give you the freedom you need to retrofit the HVAC system of your dreams into almost any house. This approach will provide the flexibility necessary to install a high-quality and efficient HVAC without the costs and disruption of retrofitting ductwork in your home.

For more information about mini-split installation, contact a local professional.


Making Your Customers Comfortable

Starting a business is a monumental accomplishment. My mom and I have talked about opening a restaurant in the past. However, we haven’t ever worked up enough courage to turn our dreams into a reality. I admire anyone who has the nerve to risk financial security in order to become an entrepreneur. I do know, however, that if you’re beginning a new business establishment, one of your goals should be to make your customers comfortable as they shop around. You don't want them to get too hot, or too cold. Depending on where you live, this objective might be especially important during the hot summer months. On this blog, you will discover the best types of HVAC units to install in business establishments. Enjoy!