4 Top Indicators of Cracks on the Furnace Appliance Heat Exchanger

Posted on: 29 September 2022

Situated between the heating appliance's blower and the combustion chamber of the heating appliance, the heat exchanger dispenses heated breathable air around your house. However, this crucial component can crack for various reasons, compromising the unit's functionality.

The cracks can result from age-related deterioration and excess stress not only from expansion but also from contraction. The appliance's heat exchanger that is damaged will increase your electricity expenses if not repaired in time. Therefore, you should engage a furnace repair professional at the first sign of damage. They will diagnose and fix the problem to ensure an effective combustion process. Learn indicators that your heating appliance's heat exchanger is cracked.

A Strange Flame Appearance

A furnace maintains a blue flame, indicating the heat exchanger is operating effectively. Thus, all is not well if the flame's color becomes yellow. This change in flame color could be due to debris build-up on your burner. Over time, this accumulation exerts stress on the unit, causing the heat transfer device of your appliance to crack. As a result, this crack interferes with the steady flame, causing it to emerge from the front openings. So if the furnace flame appears unusual, it's time to call a furnace repair professional.

Soot Build-Up

A heating unit will undergo incomplete combustion when the appliance's heat exchanger cracks. This results in small or large amounts of soot, depending on the crack's size. When a thick layer of soot forms, it may restrict combustion, lowering the heating efficiency. Consequently, your energy bills will skyrocket while increasing the fire risk inside the chamber. In that case, your furnace repair technician might recommend installing a new heat exchanger. Moreover, they will disassemble the furnace and clear the soot to ensure it ignites properly.

Unfamiliar Furnace Odors

When the heat transfer device breaks, it emits an irritating smell. That is because the gap releases a chemical formaldehyde-like odor accompanied by rattling noises. Unfortunately, exposure to formaldehyde may cause eye irritation, headaches, and breathing problems. So to avoid gas poisoning, call your furnace repair expert to replace the cracked heat exchanger.

Visible Damage

If you notice cracks in your unit, the heat exchanger is failing. These cracks form due to deterioration from frequent contraction and expansion. In addition, corrosion on the furnace's exterior indicates a heat exchanger crack. The unit corrodes because the drain pipe does not empty the condensate effectively. That is because the crack restricts it. Gradually, this moisture will corrode the heating appliance.

A heat exchanger that is cracked poses a fire risk if you fail to address it promptly. Thus, it is paramount to hire repair services as soon as you notice the above signs. Your furnace repair technician will unearth the problem and offer a suitable remedy.


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